Research excellence: a call for research prizes for the best performers among REP-EAT ESRs

Assessment Interviews 6th and 7th April 2020 starting from 9.00 am
Rep Eat Best Performers 2020



The REP-EAT Project will prize the best performers among the selected REP-EAT ESRs by assigning 4 research grants. The call for application and all the reference documents and eligibility conditions are available at the following link:


Application deadline 14th February, 2020.


Assessment Interviews: 6th and 7th April 2020 starting from 9.00 am


Schedule interviews


Schedule interviews

The operational guidelines for the on-distance final interviews have been published:

Documento in formato Adobe AcrobatOperational Guidelines for the on-distance final interviews(211 KB)


The winners of REP-EAT Prizes have officially declared.

                        RANKING LIST

Rep Eat Annual Meeting 2019





University of Teramo - Via Renato Balzarini 1 

64100 - Teramo (TE) - Italy  - Private Area


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REP_EAT MSCA Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) HORIZON 2020” – Grant Agreement N. 713714.CUP: C47B16000360007